This is essentialy a summer variation of Dolska runda, the oldest runda in Slovenia, with almost 40 years of history. Lately, it has become more popular, due almost impossible traffic situation around Ljubljana and the main road to Litija, where original Dolska runda is going. Thus, this course turns left on to the Vače hill only after some 15km of flats and with completely changed character of course. If original Dolska runda is very flat, extremly fast course, this variation is hilly, featuring two proper climbs. Vače climb and Trojane climb. Both climbs are proper nice climbs that will suit climbers very much. And both have long, fast downhill rolling descends where heavy riders can catch back those lightweight goats. Especialy last 20km from top of the Trojane hill is a real speed festival. As much as heavy riders hate those climbs, they do enjoy while hammering down the wide walley at 45-60kmh for almost half an hour. Lightweights need here at least 1min30 of a buffer if they want to escape those heavy “panzerwagens” behind them.
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