Time for the shortest runda in entire runda series. It is the last runda in this year. We are making a short 14d break because of the Virtuslo New Year Tour starting next friday. We’ll be back on 6th of january, right after the start of 2021.

As mentioned, Top Fit runda with just 42km of road is the shortest runda among most common and popular rundas around Slovenia. But bevare, it’s quite tricky and demanding. There is more climbing expresed in vm/km than any other runda as well. For better understanding, very famous Dolska runda which is flat and fast as it gets has only 5.9vm/km, Donački krog with 600m of climbing in 57km has 10.5vm/km, Goriška pentlja from previous week had 10.8vm/km and Top Fit runda has 12.8vm/km.

It’s a course that climbers will like. Not many flat straights, it’s either climbing or descending. The first climb comes very quickly, only 2.5km from the start, and it will split the group to 3 pieces allready despite not being too steep. However, the main climb of the day (Bistrica-Brezje climb) comes after some 27km done, and it’s 5min all out climb IRL for the best pro’s. With 2km @~7% is long enough to split any group to pieces and with 12km of slow and undulating descent it is possible for any lone attacker to stay clean in front of the field.

Maybe a short notice on IRL runda. Top Fit is quite popular runda among keen bike racers in this part of Slovenia. Sometimes, when promintent names gather togehter and hammer the course, they joke about runda as “The Gorenjska Worlds”. The fastest IRL record time on this course is around 1:02:00. Can we beat it in a virtual version?